It’s hard to say goodbye to summer when the weather is still warm, the sun is still brightly shining, and there is still light out during dinnertime. Mentally, we have to adjust, even though physically, things seem the same. Summer 2018 was a lot more tranquil. Which is ironic because it also felt like it went by much faster this year, or so it seemed. No grandiose events or vacations. Just a lot of casual and carefree time spent with family and friends. And now that we feel like we were just getting our stride, we are at the end. That always happens, doesn’t it?!
There are so many things to look forward to in the fall - we’ll get into that in our next couple of posts. For now, as we think back over the past couple of months and how much fun we had, who we had it with, and all that we did, our summer was pleasantly full and fun! We managed to get in simple, summer pleasures and in the end, they all added up to a great season. With that sentiment, we will thoroughly enjoy this last summer weekend and are ready to embrace the changes that fall promises to bring!