You’ve often heard us talk about different ways to add flare and pizazz to your jean outfits. It usually starts with a base of blue or black jeans. Then, we spice it up with bright and bold colored accessories, tops or shoes. What if we turned that around? Let’s say… start with a bright and bold colored jean, and go from there! Yes, blue, black, and white jeans typically make us feel safer with our outfit choices - they are more traditional, and straying from that is not always easy. But wearing bright colored jeans is not scary! One of the reasons we might stay away from bright colored jeans is because we may simply be intimated by the colors. Green jeans? Yikes! Another reason we stay away from colored jeans may be because we are just not that confident in styling the jeans without looking like a rainbow, unless that’s the look you’re going for.
So, we’ll take baby steps.

First, pick a bold color you would wear, and then find the right hue in that colored jean. There is Christmas green, nature green, pastel green, blue-green… the list goes on. Pick the hue that you feel like you can work with the best.
Next, pair that colored jean with neutral colored tops and accessories. It’s the same idea when you are trying to add a pop of color to your basic colored jeans, just in reverse.
Once you are comfortable with wearing that bold colored jean, try different colors! You can also take your style to the next level by adding printed tops, going for vivid monochromatic looks, or even color blocking your outfit, where you wear a different colored top, jean and shoe. Summer is the best time to try out these looks. It’s a refreshing take on fashion and traditional denim!